Wednesday, 5 October 2011

5 Foods That Will Put Your Testosterone On Overdrive!

Testosterone is an essential hormone to have if you intend to build a lot of lean muscle. Numerous males suffer from low levels of testosterone and high levels of estrogen due to smoking, stress and most importantly, a poor diet. This is especially true for men who are older because not only do they have a lifetime of bad habits, but their age diminishes the testosterone levels in their body.

The result of a decrease in testosterone isn't just a loss of mass; it includes a loss of muscle strength, erectile dysfunction, lack of libido, depression, and weight gain. It's tremendously important to eat foods that are higher in zinc and B vitamins and below I will show you 5 foods that will rev up your testosterone levels to unbelievable highs.


Eggs are rich in protein and cholesterol. Now I know most of you reading this believe that cholesterol is a bad thing; however, testosterone is synthesized from cholesterol and thus is essential to build high levels of this muscle-building hormone. In addition, eggs provide you with a rich source of protein and vitamins B5 and B6. Some people will take out the yolk and eat just the egg whites; however, eating the yolk is essential in ensuring that you get all of the nutrients in the egg.

Raw Oysters

Oysters contain an insane amount of protein, magnesium and importantly, zinc. They are so full of zinc that only six oysters will give you seven times the recommended daily amount. The raise in testosterone will, not only, help with the increase of muscle strength and mass building, but it will also increase your libido and sperm count.

Red Meat

Along with oysters, red meat also contains very high levels of zinc and protein. However, not only are the zinc and proteins levels high but, they come in a form that is much faster and easier to absorb by the body. It should also be noted that red meat is also high in saturated fat, therefore, it is good to have it a few times a week but it should not be eaten every day.

Brazil Nuts

Brazil nuts are packed with selenium, which has been proven to increase a man's testosterone production. The really good thing about Brazil nuts is that you only have to have 1 or 2 in order to boost your selenium levels and thus increase testosterone levels. However, it is also important to note that the concentration of selenium found in Brazil nuts varies depending on what type of soil they were grown in. If the soil itself was rich in selenium the Brazil nuts will also be rich in the trace mineral. For example, nuts that grow in Manaus - Belem will have, approximately, selenium levels which are ten times higher than those that are grown in Acre - Rondia.


Garlic contains allicin which is a compound that has been found to enhance testosterone levels. The research supporting this theory suggests that garlic stimulates the release of luteinizing hormone, which increases the circulation of testosterone.

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